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\newcommand{\addauthor}[3]{\alignauthor #1\\\affaddr{#2}\\\email{#3}}
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\conferenceinfo{SuperComputing '16}{November 13--18, 2016, Salt Lake City, UT, USA}

\title{GeantV -- Path Towards High-Performance Detector Simulation}
\subtitle{[Extended Abstract]}

\numberofauthors{30} % *total* number of authors

\alignauthor G.~Amadio
\titlenote{corresponding author, \texttt{amadio@ncc.unesp.br}}\\
\affaddr{São Paulo State University}\\ for the GeantV Project}

% These 'additional authors' will be output/set for you
% without further effort on your part as the last section in
% the body of your article BEFORE References or any Appendices.

\addextraauthor{A.~Bhattacharyya}{Bhabha Atomic Research Center},
\addextraauthor{C.~Bianchini}{São Paulo State University},
\addextraauthor{R.~L.~Iope}{São Paulo State University},
\addextraauthor{H.Kumayat}{Bhabha Atomic Research Center},
\addextraauthor{A.~Mohanty}{Bhabha Atomic Research Center},
\addextraauthor{R.~Sehgal}{Bhabha Atomic Research Center},


Geant is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through
matter. It is used at the LHC to simulate particle collisions, and played a key
role in the discovery of the Higgs boson, announced in 2012. The current
production version of Geant is from a long time ago, when C++ had no templates,
and most processors had a single core. Hence it could not have been designed to
harness the massive parallelism available in modern hardware, such as the Intel
Xeon Phi and programmable GPUs.

Experiments at CERN have an ever increasing demand for these simulated collision
events in order to match the higher throughput of experimental data afforded by
recent detector and accelerator hardware upgrades. Further increases in beam
luminosity planned for the next runs will increase the demand even more, pushing
the limits of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid—comprising about 350,000 cores—
which already spends most of its resources on the production of simulated
collisions. Even so, funding for additional hardware is diffcult to justify if
the software cannot effciently leverage the capabilities of currently available

The GeantV project aims at developing a high performance detector simulation
system that can run on multiple architectures, including accelerators. After
more than two years of R\&D, the project has produced a prototype capable of
transporting particles in complex geometries exploiting SIMD and multithreading
parallelism. Performance benchmarks and physics validation tests show that we
are on the right path towards high-performance simulation.

\bibliography{publications}  % sigproc.bib is the name of the Bibliography in this case